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KDRAMA - Mr Sunshine

19 Dec 2018
Mr Sunshine A breathtaking, amazing drama with the top-notch production. I wasn’t paying attention to this drama before it’s released, no, I never even heard of it before the release even I am always keep on drama update. I saw the poster of Mr Sunshine on kdrama website, but never thought of stalking it, until one day I suddenly stalk it out of boredom. The synopsis is quite vague, but the...

Exam Is Ended

Exam is ended It feels kind of surreal, this exam has been realllllllly hectic that I barely could breathe. Among all the exams I’ve faced before, this is the toughest, the worst, the stressful one. The schedule is simple; woke up-read-exam-read-sleep-read-exam Surely everyone gone through the same thing,  but this. Feels.lot.different. Before the examination starts, my vision was: ah,...

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