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KDRAMA - Mr Sunshine

19 Dec 2018

Mr Sunshine

A breathtaking, amazing drama with the top-notch production.

I wasn’t paying attention to this drama before it’s released, no, I never even heard of it before the release even I am always keep on drama update.
I saw the poster of Mr Sunshine on kdrama website, but never thought of stalking it, until one day I suddenly stalk it out of boredom. The synopsis is quite vague, but the setting interest me, a historical drama took place during early 19th century of Japan Imperialism bourgeoning occupation throughout Asia. I’m not a fan of historical drama took place during Silla, Goryeo, and Joseon period but the setting of this drama is like the transition of old dynasty period to modern day, which trigger me to watch it. Also, I’m don’t really recognize the actors so I don’t give much thought of them except the remarkable Lee Byung Hyun that I kinda like his act in some Hollywood martial films that I can’t remember the title. And the writer is Kim Eun Seok who is well-known for writing some blockbuster drama; Descendant Of The Sun and Goblin, so, why don’t I give it a try?

First impression, I was totally flabbergasted to see how ‘grand’ this drama is.  I wasn’t preparing any expectation on this drama yet the first seconds of it captured my heart already. Presenting the war between Joseon fighters and American Soldiers, how the aristocrats overpowering the slaves and poor one, how fragile the Joseon king who had no power to even save his subjects who were on the verge of death, Eugene’s journey from live-witnessing the brutal death of his parents escaping the slave hunters to America with the help of Eun San the pottery and an American and the former Righteous Army’s sacrifice (who are Ae Shin’s parents). The first episode already sounds promising for the start of the drama’s venture although they only showed a glimpse of grown-up Ae Shin. Also, the cinematography and the OST are all just so JHFOEDBICOEBFWIBF it’s the main factor in conveying the heart-wrenching sad story :’)


What’s unique is that this drama portrayed 5 main characters, yes If you haven’t watch it this may look like a burden, but BELIEVE ME you would love every single characters here (even the minor characters) because every one of the are the essential of this drama.

Eugene Choi
Or in Korean, Choi Yu-Jin, he went through thick and thin, from the horror of watching his parents died in front of his eyes, being bullied in America because he is an outsider to come back to Joseon, the country which abandoned him, as a great and respected Captain of US Marine Corps and was assigned as The American Acting Consul at American Legation. I really love when he fought, the way he aimed the gun to the enemies, his smart attire, and the way he looked at Ae Shin. Only by eyes I could see how much he cares and loves her dearly. He is also rational, and has a tender heart. He spared the life or people who killed his parents, although initially he wanted revenge, but he knows that if he did it, it would just make him the same with the people who killed her parents. Righteous, compassion, and wise are the best way to describe him. He always make a wise decision among the trio, who think ahead and aware of the situations and consequences he would face. But again, he end up fall deep and deeper into the flame, an inevitable flame, even he know the price that’ll cost him, and that’s just, beautiful and melancholic :’)

Go Ae Shin
I was quite sceptical, as she seems soo young and has that baby-pure face. But damn I was wrong, she is a blooming flower outside, but is actually a burning flame walking her way for the greater cause of Joseon even it means leaving her life, her identity behind. I respect her dedication, determination to totally walk out her comfort zone, leaving the prosperous and privileges she had to carry a gun instead of embroidery handkerchief and break out the Joseon noble woman custom. And I immediately adore her since she started to talk, the way she talks, her voice, deep yet portraying the responsibilities and devotion she carried. She stood up for her conviction, not swayed by love or anything, continuing his parents’ fight till the end. I really love how they chose Kim Tae Ri to carry out this character, she is really suitable and I think the character is really made for her from the start, couldn’t imagine other actress to kill off this character as great as her. Some other viewers stated that she could be the metaphor representing Joseon, who would not surrender and fight till the end. And I would never agree more than this, because her determination, sacrifices and devotion really shows her warrior life.

Go Dong Mae
A complex character, who lived with blood splashing onto his face for surviving. He is the head of Musin Society in Hanseong, with all his men giving their earnest loyalty to him. He really is brutal, killing lives of others, the ‘bad guys’, but my love for his character grown more as this drama showed the dark past and hidden internal conflicts he faced. But one for sure is, he cared for Ae Shin, his life is devoted to Ae Shin the moment little Ae Shin came to him like an angel to save him from the destruction, but she was also the first one to be cut-wounded by his ‘sword’. He is not really the bad guy actually, just it is ‘the way’ he solve things by killing people, is inevitable for him. On the other side, only those who are close to him know that he actually care for every single of them, for others, and that side makes me love his character much. But, other than swaying katana here and there, he really has a good humour sense. All his sarcastic comments just really made my day especially when he is with Eugene and Hwi Seong.

Hina Kudo//Yong Hwa
A classy yet lethal. She really amazed me throughout the drama. All problems are fixed by herself without the help of others. She’s been living through hell, sold by his father, the crazy micchi selfish Rinoe to the Japanese man, separated by her mother, and live alone as a widow for the rest of her life, leaving her Korean self and had to bear the Japanese identity. Also, I’m always fascinated by her wardrobe, elegant Western-style dress and the way she applies eyeliner that makes her look daring, yet convincing. She always don elegant attire and accessories, looking like a high-class woman, but actually internally, she’s been broken, with bruises and scars behind her mask of high-status person. She’s the most quick-witted and the wisest in all circumstances, apparently, she is lowkey the ‘connector’ to other 4 main characters. She is a great woman, the symbol of woman power, and her connections to all person including His Majesty really shook me. The moment she put on guns and fencing sword, she looked really iovidifnweinfw. In the end of the drama, I’m actually taken aback by her action because I thought she would only act for her own benefits, but indeed, she actually has tender and flaming heart, for Joseon too. I love her character a lot and I would always look up her to be an amazing person like her.

Seo Hwi Seong
Aahh… He’s the one who always break the serious-melancholic vibe and adds a lot of comedic moments in this drama. At first, he was a spoilt-rich playboy who doesn’t give a damn about the country or his life, all he knows was just to enjoy the beautiful things in life. But he changes the moment he met Eugene, Dong Mae, Hina and most especially, Ae Shin. It’s amazing to see how his character was build up throughout the drama from a loser, to a hero. While other characters were the same from the foundation, we could see how much Hwi Seong develops into a better person, he was already kind and nice-to-be-with from the beginning, but he become much more than that by time goes. And like the others, it was because of Ae Shin. Although he initially Ae Shin’s fiancé, but he let go of her, for her happiness. The moment when they broke the engagement really saddened me even though I don’t root them at all. He was sooooo precious that I hope he would get a better ending :’  And I love how his fighting style differs from others, he fought by words, as the saying words cut deeper than the knife. That shows us how optimistic he was, even he’s not skilled in fighting with swords or gun, he managed to find his own way of spreading awareness and the truth to Joseon people. Ah, I miss his smile and his love for flowers :’)


I couldn’t move on from this drama until now (it’s been a day since I last watched it). I never feel bored, even some say the middle are kinda too dragged a lot, but for me, I do enjoy every single details of this drama. Believe me, every scenes are so important that made up the story, no scene is a waste, you would find yourself rewind back the past scenes as it would all end up to a point that connect all of it.The plot is really well-written by Kim Eun Sook, shot beautifully by the director, played well by the actors. I think the actors were all immersed deeply by their characters, even me, see them as the real person, that fought and try the hardest to survive. The OSTs are my favvvvv, I couldn’t just pick one, every OST are so beautiful and convey the right feelings. Even the Various Artist soundtrack deeply moved me and frequently played in my minds when I’m feeling sad :’)

I DO RECOMMEND THIS TO ALL OF YOU, especially if you love historical stories, but this is not a mere fiction, it actually portrays the real vision of what happened earlier in the past. Especially for me, and Indonesian who live in Malaysia. Indonesia and Malaysia once colonized by Japan Empire too, brutal, cold-hearted and the worst moment of colonization ever. It happens later than Korea, but I believe what happens in the drama was the same, or even worst in the real life even though it’s only for a few years, it was the time of blood-bath. I really could relate from Joseon people suffering, and I imagined my ancestors must had gone through the same thing, or worst. This made me realize that we should never turn blind-eyes to the history. The history is the one that shaped the world we are living now, for the continuation of life. The fighters, the warriors or even the person who stay loyal to our country, should be remembered and respected always. And we, as the youngster, shall continue the fight in protecting our conviction, our country, our tradition, our own people, to provide a better tomorrow for the next generation like how they did in the past. Although not by fighting with swords and guns, but via every medium we could, knowledge and internet. Because they didn’t surrender, they fought with every ounce of their energy and every drop of their blood, leaving their family, their loved ones, their friends, stepping out of the comfort zone through a lethal and deadly way just to provide us the world we are living now.

This drama would forever remain in my heart, for a eorae eorae time, for me to watch back, if I lose hope. For me to watch back, to strengthen my will. For me to watch back, to be grateful of everything I had. Watching this is the best decision ever, I hope even if the drama is finished, it would get more recognition, I would like to summon all my readers to watch this and cry with me together HAHA. Anyway, thanks for spending your precious time to read my rants! :’)

“Goodbye, in our freed nation, see you again”
-          Go Ae Shin, 1908

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