Assalamualaikum and hyeeeee,
it's been quite a long time since i updated here. my plan to write
a BUNCH of blog posts in the holiday is already wrecked up. well, i DID wrote a
few nonsense blabbering posts but too lazy to post here (what a lame excuse).
but yeah, idc i kill HAHHAHA ok that's actually a title for a
webtoon comic and the story just so nonsense that it cracked me out with the
title and the story and the characters.
ok lemme go back to the business, so , you may expect me to write my
resolutions, hopes , bla bla right? heck no.
new year isn't as WOW as the past years for me, idk why. it's just
that new year is actually just another day, another tomorrow, another today for
me. what differs are just the last number year changing in dates and ofc, the
hype of fireworks, new year concert, everyone's updates on insta.
but that's not a reason for not feeling ECCENTRIC for the brand
i know , i know, i'm blabbering trashy stuffs again.
but one for sure, i'm afraid, actually. it's gonna be SPM, and it
haunted me throughout the holiday. i was aiming for doing my own revision but I
mmmm I’m boarding soon. This is the best holiday ever, well , away
from all the hecticness, toxic stuffs and evil thoughts (?) well, i hate it when people contact me during my leisure-serene-tranquil holiday :') *gurlhereneedsherownprivacyyyyyyy
31st December 2018
Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta

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