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WEEK 21 & 22 Life Update / Watchlist '20

29 May 2020
WEEK 21 & 22 Life Update / Watchlist ‘20 Assalamualaikum and hye! This is the second post for weekly life update, well not exactly weekly since I combined 2 weeks into one because I just don’t feel like posting for the last week. Anyway, May is like the starting point of my 2020, yep it took me 5 months to finally ‘start’ my life lol. And that’s on me doing things I’ve been...

WEEK 20 Life Update / Watchlist (2020)

21 May 2020
Assalamualaikum and hello! This is the first trial of making weekly life update in hope that I’ll write more regularly. Since SPM ended last year, I’ve been losing track of time, and adding to this whole quarantine phase it seems like time is untrackable now. My mental health is fluctuating up and down, but thankfully the bookstagram and fandom community has help me keeping my sane. After...

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