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WEEK 21 & 22 Life Update / Watchlist '20

29 May 2020

WEEK 21 & 22 Life Update / Watchlist ‘20

Assalamualaikum and hye! This is the second post for weekly life update, well not exactly weekly since I combined 2 weeks into one because I just don’t feel like posting for the last week.
Anyway, May is like the starting point of my 2020, yep it took me 5 months to finally ‘start’ my life lol. And that’s on me doing things I’ve been wanting to do, finally designing my days to fit my comforts and mood. I’ve been enjoying life lately, for finally putting off the unknown pressure that’s been haunting my head since forever. It’s nice to finally have the moment for myself without thinking about a lot of thing.

Life Update

1.      Y O U T U B E

Finally after struggling for approximately 6 months, I finally edit and post my SPM vlog on my youtube channe! I must say, for me personally, doing something requires my ‘mood’ and motivation entirely. I used to think that I have so little time in my hand to do these things. But, looking back, I managed to post a few videos on my Youtube during my hectice senior year, even a few days before SPM. And that’s kinda crazy to consider my packed school schedule. After SPM, I straight out trim and arranged my vlogging clips for the entire year, that could be considered finishing half of the video. But suddenly, my motivation just gone afterwards. I thought that, ‘ ah maybe I need to rest a lil bit more and enjoy the freedom, wait till I got the entire time for myself to edit this ‘.  And woops, I took the rest till months lol. I was scared that I might not even post it at all! But suddenly, after the whole penpalling stuffs going on, and me finally posting an unplanned video, I finally get ‘THAT’ feeling back. ‘THAT’ feeling that I’ve been waiting since forever. I managed to edit the video in just a few days although it was really complicated and long (for me). I’m grateful that finally I’m getting my life together lol.

*Psss- a new short vlog upcoming!

2.      R E A D I N G

Guess who’s finally outta reading slump?? I’m reading The Infernal Devices trilogy and TOTALLY IN LOVE! I dislike TMI so I wasn’t really putting any expectation for TID (though seeing people fangirling Will Herondale makes me curious about him). And I’m not regretting reading it at all. I still have one book left to read and not ready yet for it. Though I’m planning to read the book choice by my summer reading club, Educated by Tara Westover. I also trying to slowly write reviews for books I read from the beginning of the year, both at Instagram and Goodreads.

3.      E I D  //  R A Y A

A different eid, a different experiences, one to be remembered forever. I wish to write more, but I’ll save it for another blog post *wink.  Hope you’re having a wonderful raya !


1.      A Piece Of Your Mind  (TVN)

I downloaded this drama when it first aired, but wasn’t really attracted to watch it. But now that I’m out of kdrama supplies, I read the reviews and it seems like the type of drama I would like. Give it a try and, I LOVE IT. The warmth, coziness, soundtracks, cinematography and all ARE EVERYTHING <3 Ya know I have a thing for cinematography and instrumental scores. I’m on episode 5 and loving it for now. Though sadly the drama is cut into 12 episodes (initially 16 eps), I’m expecting the plotline is going to be rushed and might be some things unsettled at the end :’( Nevertheless, my eyes has been blessed by the aesthetic of the drama <3

a piece of your mind | Tumblr

2.      Hospital Playlist (Netflix / TVN)

Oh oh my. I just finished it a few hours ago and I STILL CAN’T MOVE ON!!!! This drama is a gem! It’s just perfect and very realistic. The warmth and ‘realness’ from the characters and the story makes me experiencing raw feelings of human relationships. I can’t emphasize how much I love all the characters there, even the minor one. All of them are so real and distinct in their own ways. I might write a full review on this beautiful show :’) My writings won’t be sufficient to project how beautiful is it but I need to share my views on this drama with all of you , good things are meant to be shared <3 Anyway, this drama crept to my top 3 kdrama list, and it really deserves that. (well I have quite a standard for kdrama :p)

Thank you for reading my non-important life updates. Nothing really new, but I just wanted to document my life progress in my blog, even though when it’s just like another normal days; just binge-watching and reading books. But I’m trying to find ‘beauty’ and joy in what I’m doing, keeping track of them in a very chill-laid back way so that I could read them back in the future. Hope you’re having an amazing days! Farewell May, Hello June <3

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