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KAA - 5 Years of High School Memories

26 Jun 2020
Assalamualaikum and hello! Now that Uni is going to start, I have approximately a month left before venturing to the next crucial phase of my life. Hence, I’m trying to write more frequently so that my blog wouldn’t be too empty when I’m busy with my foundation year later. Alright, this morning, I’m accompanied by the sound of calming rain pouring down greeting the early birds (not...

SPM Straight As - Thoughts (2019)

19 Jun 2020
Asssalamualaikum and hello! It’s been months since the announcement of SPM results. I remember feeling nothing during the previous months I was isolating at Jakarta alone, but then freaked out about It once I set my first step of the year at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). I remembered bombarding my friend about how anxious and scared I felt upon waiting for the results....

Hospital Playlist Season 1 Review (2020)

16 Jun 2020
THIS. DRAMA. IS. A. MASTERPIECE I wasn’t expecting that I would love the drama this much. Actually I’m not a fan of medical drama before, but since I watched Romantic Dr. Teacher Kim S1 and S2 earlier this year, I become obsessed! And to my surprise, this drama is really one of a kind among ALL dramas that existed.  I was curious about this drama because of Shin Won-Ho...

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