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Bioethics : All That Matters by Donna Dickenson [Book Review]

6 Jul 2021


Understand both sides of bioethics without hours and hours of research

In "Bioethics: All That Matters," author Donna Dickenson gets straight to the most interesting parts of the subject. Inside you will find an introductory chapter that maps out the subject for you, while later chapters will go deeper, looking at the details of the most interesting areas. You will read different viewpoints, making "Bioethics: All That Matters" perfect for when you are writing an essay on this controversial topic. Features original and inspirational ideas to help you explore the subject in more depth Includes web links and QR codes throughout the text, linking to videos from the author, or more detailed audio explanations Text boxes around key concepts makes navigating through the material a snap


This is the first science non-fiction book that I finished. Since I just started out to read non-fiction books about biotechnology, I picked this up as bioethics is the most concerning aspect talked by the scientists in the pursuit of making new innovations AND also applying it to humans. As we know, starting late 19th century until now, the biotechnology field is blooming rapidly with all the new technology and commercialization in healthcare and private used. Surely, with all the resources and knowledge we have, then we can just enhance our human capability for a better world right? Imagine a world without heritable diseases, human with the ability exceeding the norm, intelligent babies and so on. But, 

'Should we do whatever science let us do?', 

and that's the title of the first chapter of the book.

   It is mesmerizing to think about all the changes we could make to ourselves, it is enthralling that we can create more and more cures for the chronic diseases that has killed thousands and billions of people. But, in the process of finding them, have we ever thought about the process, the experimental subjects? This book tell us briefly about the 'untold' stories of those unfortunates women in Korea who were injected with hormones to produce a large number of eggs and suffered from reproductive illness and imbalance, the African American men who were denied clinical care after being studied and monitored for the diseases, the injustice of the indigenous people being forced to become the experimental subject for drugs tests and so on. 

   This book is only 121 pages long, and yet managed to tackle the concerning issues in bioethical talking. Although it is really condensed with information, the writer managed to deliver it in a not too-complex way of writing. I think it is a good read for people who want to start knowing about the bioethics, in which everyone should take bioethics into account so that we won't take advantage of our fellow humans in impoverished situation as the subject in clinical trials, and lose our humanity. 



⭐.5 / 5

Who are this book for?

Those who have the basic knowledge on biotechnology and want to know about Bioethics. (a beginner-friendly Science book)

Where to buy?

I bought it on Big Bad Wolf Malaysia Book Sale for only RM12! 


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