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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 (See You in My 19th Life) Review

1 Sept 2023
At first, I wasn't particularly interested in watching this drama. Though I am a huge fan of webtoon, I have only read Lee Hye's previous webtoon "(오늘도 사랑스럽개) which I enjoyed so much. The pivotal moment that made me change my mind was when I stumbled upon its OSTs, 'Star' by Colde and 'Silence' by Sunwoojunga. The first note captured my heart. Though both songs have different nuances and rhythms,...

Burning brightly.

8 May 2023
 It took me 21 years to truly realized how blessed I am.Blessings come not just in the form of materials; money, and achievements. But it comes in all little things in an unexpected way. You just need to search for it. In the first semester, I worked very hard. It was a cold, isolating moment where I pushed myself to the edge. Feeling hopeless and questioning everything I've worked on until...

UNI Semester I - Thoughts & Reflection

6 Mar 2023
 After 2.5 years of waiting, it is crazy to think how it's been years since I graduated high school. A lot of things happened in that period. After working through the foundation and learning the language, finally I am able to start learning the knowledge I've yearned to delve into. It was a moment of joy, and the moment that breaks me too.Learning a language I have never even heard of in...

Heart ripped open.

25 Feb 2023
 The first semester of my degree was the hardest for me to cope with. I doubt myself, (almost) blaming the young girl who was too eager to reach the star when she can't even see the sky clearly. An immense stab in the heart for whose dreams and expectations are to be shattered. Why, is it this way?For the longest time, I have always been burned by such immense passion that keeps constricting...

Farewell, 2022

1 Jan 2023
 It is 8:37 pm here, in Bucharest.31 december, the last day of the year 2022.At lot has happened this year. Recapping this year, it feels like a long, yet short ride of unexpected, frizziness, blessings and tears.I finished my romanian language preparatory year at ASE, then summer came, a short yet thrilling one, my very first summer here in. I feel like everything escalated very rapidly and...

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