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About Heba

Hebatallah, the name given to me which bear the meaning of 'Gift from Allah', Alhamdulillah :)

With the blood of Indonesian, a remarkable country with its tradition and myriad amount of alluring islands, a close yet feels far away from my sanity. 

Egypt, the land of priceless ancient and knowledge, is the first place of my being on this very earth, my born-place that I long for.

The beloved Malaysia, a small yet wonderful country with the people close to my heart. Where I spent almost my whole life there, a place called home, serenity, warmth. The thought of it tugged my heart, mi-e atât de dor.

Romania, an unknown, yet wondrous country that I have never imagine before to be here. It is where I start questioning back myself, my values, and my purpose in this life. Where I will be living as a minority Muslim girl who is eager to gain all the knowledge in the world, Insya Allah.

And this is Heba, only a mediocre person who just want to rant about things that have been buzzing her mind, and also to fangirl about her current obsession! Feel free to send me a message if we have the same interests!

*You might find my posts to be too personal, with a purge of emotions. Please pretend you are not reading them if you know me in real life!! (: 

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2 comments on "About Heba"
  1. Your blog is really sophisticated, Mashallah��

    1. you're too kind! Thank you so much!!! (: </3


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