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Camaraderie and love - an entry from Scotland

12 Oct 2024

 Right now, I am on a spontaneous voyage to the north of Scotland, Oban. This is my first time riding a train further away into Scotland, absolutely much better than the motion sickness-inducing journey on a bus. The scenery from the window just feels like a dream. 

‘’And when you have traveled by train, have you watched the landscape rolling past windows, and listened to the conversations of your fellow passengers, and drifted off to the clacking of the wheels…’’

I have done all of those things.

‘’Exactly. But have you ever, for even one moment, considered how the coal finds its way into the locomotive’s engine? Have you considered in the middle of forest or on a rocky slope how the tracks came to be there in the first place?”

Growing up, I am used to build a huge wall around me. I do radiate warmth and friendliness, but I keep people on the bay just right, preventing anyone to peel more layers of myself. I just feel it a hassle to deal with unnecessary over-emotional situations. I don’t like to be dependant on people, moreover emotionally. ‘I can provide for myself’.

That’s what I thought, and I still think that way. But, a human nature crave interaction and intimacy. 

I could’ve handled it well, if not given the circumstances. Just within one month, sudd
enly I need to fly abroad to continue my studies. It was such a miracle that I still couldn’t believe occurred to me…

[lost entry from lost of train of thoughts] 

Ah, once again I am distracted by the nature. I think writing our thoughts while we are on a train ride is the best— perfect condition to let stream of words come flowing naturally just hoe the train glides on the rail. But oftentimes, I found myself letting my attention drifted to the windows— being an awe at how beautiful Allah has created the nature.

I am incredibly grateful for each journey that I had. Especially when going to breathtaking Scottish lands. How can such beautiful (synonym) place exist? How ungrateful we are a s a human, letting our grade took over in pursuit of temporary monetary vault. I feel like our generation is robbing these beautiful sceneries from our future generations. We should preserve and protect these gift from Allah. 

Oban, Scotland 19:59,

June 7, 2024

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