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25 Mar 2018

Bahasa Melayu

I don’t study much for BM, I just rely on the practices my teacher gave in class. Usually my teacher gave us tatabahasa/komsas/karangan practices so I never do my own practices at home.
For karangan, I’m encouraging you to familiarize yourself with simpulan Bahasa, pepatah, bombastic words, and frasa menarik so that your essay would leave a good impression to the marker! There are enormous websites you could visit to get enchantment for your essay. Here are a few that would help you a little more,

For komsas, just understand the pantun/prosa tradisional/novel. Don’t need to memorize all the gaya Bahasa, persoalan, pengajaran, etc if you could fathom the content/story. I always try to understand a pantun/etc and familiarize myself with common gaya Bahasa such as asonansi, aliterasi, riversi etc and the same for nilai, pengajaran, persoalan. So when you are answering komsas you could just analyse the gaya Bahasa, nilai, etc from the passages given without having to memorize certain gaya Bahasa,nilai, etc for every komsas topic.


The same with BM, doesn’t require much revision for this, in fact I never do revision except for literature in the morning of the examination xD

For essay, the most important thing is your vocab and sentence structure. I was VERY VERY bad in English, but I get better as I read many English novels *welcoming you to be a bibliophile~  Also, I always interact with my internet acquaintance who loves Kdrama, Editing, Novels, etc! English is the international language so ofc we’ll mainly use English with the others, thus it would improve our vocab and sentence structures! Also, include many idioms and bombastic words to bring your essay to the next level!

Idioms such as all clouds has its silver lining, pink of health, the grass is always greener on the other side, etc.

Bombastic wordsInteresting – IntriguingUnderstand – Fathom, decipher__ lover - __ enthusiastExcited – ExhilaratedTired – ExhaustedAnd a LOOOOOT MORE that you could find in novel, wattpad, songs, kdrama subtitles, etc xD


I never do practices for math except after PT3 trial because my marks dropped dramatically (?) ceh XD
Math require you to understand every topics, you don’t really have to do exercise if you could understand it. MAKE SURE to be fully understand every topics before your teacher started to teach the next topic. In F3, I couldn’t decipher Indices and Algebra, I don’t even gave a damn about it and just leave the topics. Not until mid-year exam, a lot of questions from those 2 topics so I just pasrah jawab and got the worst mark ever in my entire life for math *cryingwithnotears.
That’s when I insaf and started to do practices after trial, such a last minute preparations lol but anyway it’s worth it since my mark become better after that Alhamdulillah! 😊

*math is so weird rn after they start to put alphabet in math like what in da world? *coping math with kepasrahan


Understand and memorize is the key! Couldn’t say much about sc, but that’s it. KBAT questions always pelik and never come across our mind, so that time, you need to pasrah (yes we need to be pasrah for all subjects hikshiks :’ ) , try to RECALL the topics you learnt learning and try to make connection out of it (?) Idk how to explain but that’s the main idea XD I always answer ridiculously but based on logic (eh how?) , and try to ELABORATE MORE so that your answers look like from a smart student lol jkjk, maybe your first point isn’t accurate but your later point could gain you mark? 

(anyway this is not like writing 2 answers for a question, DON’T DO THAT, just elaborate your answer so that there’s many facts and places you could gain marks!)

Pendidikan Islam

Memorize! It shouldn’t be hard to memorize since things we are learning in PI is practiced in our daily life! Like solat, puasa , we all must know the hukum, rukun, perkara yang membatalkan etc right? Also most of the questions are KBAT, so I always write in like 4 sentences or more, 


 Stick to that main 4 points and you could ace your paper! Be sure that your answer is logic and connected to the questions ^^

Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu

The hardest of all , I could understand your struggles for KHB :’
This require you to MEMORIZE , MEMORIZE and MEMORIZE! Don’t relay to your reference books, just use textbook! If possible, buy/photostat textbooks from f1 to f3, this would help you a lot in revising. Also, do practices of past questions (although I also lazy to do this XD). If you are a freaking lazy bum like me, do the practices your teacher gave with much attention! Usually teacher will always give a lot of practices, and by doing them, you would gradually memorize especially for the name/component name (eg, mesin jahit). Once you get a hang of it you would love KHB (kinda-lah). 

And let's say, if you go to bathroom/dapur and see paip/sink/compartments/stuffs that is wujud in KHB textbook , try to name the them in your head ! You would be excited and feel like you are the genius one that could name those stuffs whenever you see them #suweggg
Sounds crazy but, yes it is like that xD

KHB is literally about things around us, so actually you could do revision anywhere anytime without any book! Just like when you are sitting on the comfy sofa, look around, see screw on stuffs, name it, see the fluorescent lamp, name the compartments!

Also, use MNEMONICS/ACRONYM to memorize things easier. For example,

Haji - Hitam
Pak - Perang
Mat - Merah
Jual - Jingga
Kacang - Kuning
Hijau - Hijau
Baru - Biru
Untuk - Unggu
Kakak - Kelabu
Putih – Putih
·  +Emas +Perak

·  Got this from my KHB teacher <3

FOR PERDAGANGAN  & KEUSAHAWANAN (PK)Please memorize and understand all definitions, important stuffs, etc. The most importand is JENIS-JENIS AKAUN! Pk is the hardest out of 4 but try your best for it! ^^

ahh, suddenly I miss KHB even though it’s  a killer subject xD

History and Geography

YES YESS YES NO EXAM FOR THIS! People will say that for sej and geo, confirm A! But don’t take this too lightly, if you are lazy and don’t do certain parts, it is possible that your A would fly away! (this happen for some people I know!)

Please, don’t be lazy because this is the golden chance, you don’t need to memorize anything, just require your time and energy to write a lot of things! Choose a SIMPLE AND EASY TITLE, I made a mistake by choosing a hard and rare one (nak tunjuk unique sngtlah haih gedik) , but Alhamdulillah I managed to keep them in my control! But actually the pros of choosing a rare topic is that NO ONE COULD COPY YOU HAHAHHAHAHAH so I don’t need to create reasons or feeling guilty for not letting many friends to copy mine :’ *evil laugh
Well, ask your teacher first if the topic you chose is appropriate or not before going to the next step! This is CRUCIAL because someone I know had to DO A WHOLE NEW ONE after completing hers because the teacher suddenly deny her title, on last minute
Surf internet for more contents, REALLY EASE YOUR WORK! Try to be at a step further than the others, siapkan awal, don’t procrastinated/tunda. Because if you completed the assignment early, you would be in a huge relief! *then you could binge-watch KDrama at home HAHHAHA XD

Last year, our batch got unfortunate and have to present our assignment INDIVIDUALLY (not sure for this year but just in case…) Make sure to captures your assignment before hand it to teacher as a reference in the future when it’s time to present it because the gap between finishing the assignment and presenting it is quite long (maybe a few months?) so you would forget about it again :’. Prepare addition props for your presentation to gain more marks such as brochure, poster, pictures, etc!

Bahasa Arab

For those who are learning Arabic, need a lot more of hard work, time and energy! Kinda depends to your ustazah/ustaz. Alhamdulillah my ustazah (s) are very hardworking, concerning and jayyidatani jiddan! I have BA homeworks like everyday and extra classes every weekdays and weekend  (crying in the corner of room). 

I feel like I dedicated like 40% of my time for Arabic only haha xD Whoever take BA will know the struggle but DON’T WAVER! Because we are learning Lughatul Jannah for our dunya and akhirah!  All the hurdles, blood, sweat and tears are gonna worth it Insya Allah 😊 *notice the BTS reference? XD #army 

Final Week before PT3

Couldn’t comment much for this since I was in Jakarta for the whole final week because of some things. I only brought PI textbook, so I only study PI for the whole week xD Arrived at Malaysia 2 days before pt3, literally know nothing about spot questions/etc! It was really hectic but Alhamdulillah I managed to answer the questions ( although Sains paling banyak tembak :’ )

Usually teacher gives more questions, spot questions during the final week so be attentive, focus and alert to everything teacher tells you that time!


·  -Don’t skip your extra class (even if you are lazy appreciate-lah teachers that had to leave their family just to teach you!)
·  -Pay attention in class and do homework, then you won’t have to do self-revision!
·  -Niat  Lillahita’ala 😊
· - Don’t stress out! You still have a long way to go sweetie!


*picts are from tumblr, cr to the rightful owner

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