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Study Tips

23 Mar 2018


Disclaimer –  these tips are based on my experience so it MAY COULD ONLY BE APPLIED to some people. But still, please do read this as I think these tips are general and suitable to most of you ^_^ 

1.Pay Attention In Class

This is REALLY REALLY CRUCIAL things to do because not all information are available in your textbook or any reference books. Especially if teachers are giving tips on how to remember any particular information such as giving you acronym/mnemonics technique to make it easier for you to memorize. For example is ‘mak velvet enggan makan jambu sebab ular nak patuk’ is the mnemonics for planets (in solar system) in order,

Mak Mercury
Velvet Venus
Enggan Earth
Makan Mars
Jambu Jupiter
Sebab Saturn
Ular Uranus
Nak Neptune
Patuk Pluto (pluto isn’t consider as the planet in solar system but just adding this to make the mnemonics look pretty Haha XD)

*anyway I got this from my friend who got this from her tuition teacher long time ago 😊

Also, when you are answering your exam questions and you can’t freaking remember what you memorized, sometimes you would recall back what teacher had told you in class so IT’S A REAL BLESSING IF THAT HAPPENS !

2.  Do Your Homework In Express

I’ve been practicing this religiously since I was little. HOMEWORK IS THE TOP PRIORITY OF ALL! (although lately I’ve been procrastinating a lot HAHA)

For me, when I got a homework, I would start doing it AT THE SAME TIME the teacher gave it if he/she is not teaching anymore and let us rest. Or even when the gap time between 2 class period. Sometimes you got like 5 minutes after a class ended for the next teacher to come , so I wouldn’t waste my time and just do my homework. Maybe when you read this you’ll think like ‘urghhh damn rajin’ but you gotta do it anyway because it is a mandatory ( unless you want to get punished walking like a duck on the corridor and quacking loudly :’) )

My class always ended on 4.30pm,bus always fetch us on like 5pm and I arrived home on like 6pm ( yes it sucks to be at school for like 11 hours a day :’ ) . So after class ended I always DO MY HOMEWORK AS FAST AS LIGHTNING because I don’t want to have homework at home so that I could binge-watch my favourite K-Drama (summoning all k-drama trashies babes).

If you do homework you wouldn’t have to do more practices or self-revision because homework is already considered as a revision (I NEVER do practices because I am a couch potato, it’s real.) 

3.               Be A Kind and Obedient Student

Have you ever wonder why you always get bad result even though you already give your all in studying? Well, perhaps you don’t have teachers’ blessings? Teachers’ blessings are really really really essential for goodness sakes. If you ever did wrong to your teachers, please plead for forgiveness ASAP. Same goes to your parents. If you are rude, always talk back in a harsh way, skipping classes, neglecting homeworks, etc, your teacher wouldn’t be happy with you, and it will affect your studies too. Even if you are a rude student but is a clever one, your success wouldn’t long-last.
That’s why even if you once had a thought ‘even if I do my homework I’m still a dumb person, why bother doing it?’, SHOVE THAT THOUGHT AWAY! Finish it before deadline and hand them to your teacher.

Also, if you bump into teachers at school or at public places, greet them, gives Salam, rose a sweet smile. Even the slightest good deed is counted by Allah Insya Allah😊

*Also, try to be a better person, stop cursing, don’t be arrogant and ignorant to others^^

4.               Find your way of studying

Everyone is different, so I am. Generally, there are 3 styles of studying 

a.    Kinesthetic
Obviously you need to do practices or notes. This is the hardest style because it require consistency in studying. If you are a kinesthetic  student, DON’T BE LAZY even though it is time and energy- consuming because it is gonna be worth it. Trust me, I’ve seen my best friends who do practices everyday and get to climb from the ground to the sky! And unexpectedly a flying colour results in PT3

b.    Visual
A bless for you because you could memorize things easily as long as it has significant features (?) and colourful. You could study using books with colour or via Youtube videos! And you could also do your own notes as it help you to memorize better if you do yours. So, read your note/textbooks thoroughly!

c.     Auditory
The bless of the bless of all (?) You need to focus in your class to listen to your teacher, play audio of studying materials, surf Youtube and read aloud when reading books. Somehow in the examination you will recall the voice of the question you are answering!

Personally, I am a mix of visual and auditory so I never do any practices (except for math, I started after PT3 trial because my mark dropped). So when an examination is just around the corner, I just read my textbook, that’s all xD

5.              Meditate

Don’t ever stress yourself with studying. Yes, you may concern your result but getting straight As doesn’t mean you are better than others and if you get the otherwise, it doesn’t mean you are dumb or lazy. So, you should be having fun during your high school time, especially lower secondary student, form 1 to form 3 because that’s the golden time when you still have all your friends, to play, to be crazy, to dance kpop in your class  act silly with your friends, to watch your favourite tv shows and a lot more. If you are busy with tuition, study by yourself in the corner of the class, you will REGRET IT. Alhamdulillah I wasn’t a really studious one ( just diligent in doing homework) so I get to taste the jubilant, sweet and unforgettable memories with my super-precious friends! Because you are going to be VERY BUSY when you are in upper form, trust me *crying silently as a f4 student

I never miss out any k-drama that I want to watch! Because they’re refreshing, open my mind to see the world in different perspectives, get to see eye-candy actors (the main reason tbh lol), escape from the hustle reality for a while, and most important, lighten and fill my heart with pleasure and delightedness! (same applies to novels >.< )

So, if you like to watch tv-shows, indulge in arts, read novels, read mangas/webtoon, fishing (?), video games, editing, etc, GO FOR IT! (but make sure you don’t use all of your time for them, just, do it to lighten your mood and keep your heart content 😊 )

6.               Pray and tawakal 😊

After you’ve done all of these, all you need to do is to pray to Allah. Do solat sunat such as solat hajat religiously. Istiqomah. Read Al-Quran frequently and pray to Allah sincerely to get straight As. Don’t be arrogant and ignorant to ibadah-ibadah.

 But, remember that straight As doesn’t really matter actually, what matter is the process and the hurdles when learning, gaining knowledge, lillahi Taa’la. Not all clever students get a bright future, but don’t let that to be an excuse for not studying! Because in Islam also, we’ve been thought that people with knowledge get higher rank by Allah S.W.T, Insya Allah.

So, don’t give up and fighting!

May the odds be ever in your favour

picts are from Tumblr

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