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Sept 2016 Book Haul

11 Mar 2018

Assalamualaikum and hello fellows! This is my second haul of the month. A really short haul <3

I went to Popular Bookstore at Giant Nilai after visited Kinokuniya Bookstore at KLCC. LUCKILY I HOLD MYSELF FROM BUYING ANY BOOKS AT KINOKUNIYA WHICH IS DAMN EXPENSIVE! Oh I love myself xD

I was just strolling around to buy a revision book and I was fascinated by all the books and the discount there! Because I rarely go to the bookstore , I always visit MPH at Alamanda, Kinokuniya at KLCC and Popular and MPH at Seremban. I don’t know the bookstore is full with novels, and the good thing is it is close to my house and offers many DISCOUNTS <3DEFINITELY THE BEST BOOKSTORE EVER IN MALAYSIA!Most of the novels are 25% rebate , even Harry Potter series ( which is VERY RARELY got discount ) got 25% rebate! (Oh my next hunt).And they also have a section called Blockbuster Price if I am not mistaken. The price is from RM8 a book. And I found


Endgame – The Calling by James Frey (Hardcover)This costs only RM15! The normal price is RM59.90. I wasn’t thinking long and just took it because it was the only left and it is hardcover and I never bought a hardcover book using my own money (because it costs twice the paperback ) so why now? My thought was, I don’t care if the story isn’t very good (many says it is like THG Series) , the important thing is I got to own a hardcover book lol. Well gonna give it a try but it is going to be a long voyage before I touch this because I want to finish the other books first :3 probably not going to buy the second book, Sky Call . Oh I wonder if this book is a duology, trilogy or series? Hope it would be duology xD HOHONORMAL PRICE – RM59.90

2. When I was queuing to pay Endgame – The Calling, I saw I Am Malala and it also had a great offer! RM20 for hardcover , so I bought it too because I really want the book since ever and it is in hardcover so why not? And I really want to read her life, as I really appreciate the figures in all aspects!NORMAL PRICE – RM66.90

That’s how my money rip xD But it is worth it right? Cao, goodnight <3

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